You are currently viewing Day-6: The purpose of Social Media Part-2
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Hello there!

I hope you all are doing well, even in this Lockdown period. But this all is for our own good. I respect the Corona warriors out there who are in the battleground surrounded by this evil disease and trying to protect people. Everybody is doing there great.

The consumption of social media elevates we all know that. And, everybody is using his/her favorite social media.

We have discussed yesterday the five main reasons for using social media.

Well, I am now categorizing Social Media, according to my taste and purpose of using them.

Why should we post different content on different social media?

Think about your social media as the rooms in your house. So the analogies are the house = your social existence and rooms = different social media.

If you place some kind of objects, furniture, and decoration in every single room. Like placing a sofa in the kitchen, bed in the living room, and bathtub in the study. Just understand the analogy here.

So making and just pasting the same kind of content on every social media feels the same.

The first one is Quora.

Quora is more than just a Q&A website. I have answered a few. But I want to expand the purpose of using Quora more frequently. I am going to use the Blog Feature and those blogs are exclusive. I am not going to post that content on any other social media. Right.

I hate cross-posting. Like posting the same content over and over again in different social media. Sometimes I do it myself, but half-heartedly. I think that needs a new perspective to do cross-posting.

Sharing and linking to other social media is not bad. But totally copying and pasting the content and using the same images and videos over to every social media feels tiresome and boring.

Using social media for personal use should be interesting.

If I am doing some Q&A and mini-blogs on some how-to or guides. I am going to do those on my Quora.

I would like to recommend Quora or Reddit.

Like you can ask without any hesitation that “Is Pikachu generates AC or DC?”. Someone will definitely be going to answer this.

Oh ho! somebody already asked. Let’s answer this.

Read Dikshant Mehta's answer to Is Pikachu an alternate or direct current? on Quora

Next is Twitter.

As we discussed yesterday. Twitter is great for knowing the current trends of the world and it’s like a GK hub. So I am going to tweet and learn about the trends from there. The recipe is simple just follow a hashtag.

The third one is Instagram. Instagram is good for sharing pictures with texts, you can add places and tag people.

So that’s the plus point. I am going to share images related to the stuff I am doing on my personal blog. So my personal blogging website updates will be on Instagram.

Next is my favorite Linkedin.

Linkedin is great for increasing your professional connections and also share professional opinions and knowledge. And ask help and assistance if needed.

That’ what I will be going to do on that platform. Sharing stuff that makes people business or professional life easier or my opinions.

Linkedin has an article publishing feature. So I can kinda do blogging here also. So my professional blog articles will be on Linkedin.

Also on feeds, I will write about the mini-related content.

The last one is Facebook.

Because Facebook seems to look more personal. So my blog mini contents will gong to be there. It’s like my work live blog. On my official Facebook page, I will share notes of my work, like sticky notes. It might be helpful. Because there’s also a private post feature. To hide the post only seen by you.

Well, there are others too but I don’t think I can manage all these together. So I will post like weekly or on some platform daily.

I could use Pinterest for sharing infographics. Because I love to create infographics on black holes and other cool stuff. But I am not sure of using it. Because there are only 24 hours in a day. But I can share one or two infographics weekly. What’s bad in trying?

Let’s try.

But why I am using so many social media. Because I want to. Simple. Everybody has so much to share and keeping all that inside you makes you feel really filled up to the brim. So the best learner is who is empty-headed while learning and completely filled while sharing.

Stay at home! Use social media. Increase your perspective and reach in the binary world.


Dikshant Mehta

My name is Dikshant Mehta, I am a blogger and a freelancer. To keep the purpose of this blog short, "I think, and sometimes I write while thinking."
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